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Soloreisende nach Italy, die nach Reisepartnern suchen

Italy Einheimische, die bereit sind ihre Stadt zu zeigen

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Reisende, die Italy besucht haben

Tourbar-Mitglieder in anderen Städten in Italy

9239 Einheimische
5676 Einheimische
Milan Province
3006 Einheimische

Italy, Italy

Italy is a country in Southern Europe. Together with Greece, it is acknowledged as the birthplace of Western culture. Not surprisingly, it is also home to the greatest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the world. High art and monuments are to be found everywhere around the country. It is also famous worldwide for its delicious cuisine, its trendy fashion industry, luxury sports cars and motorcycles, diverse regional cultures and dialects, as well as for its beautiful coast, alpine lakes and mountain ranges. No wonder it is often nicknamed as the Beautiful Country. Two independent mini-states are surrounded entirely by Italy: San Marino and Vatican City....

Wichtige Wahrzeichen in Italy

Park of the Caffarella
Via della Caffarella, Roma
Sistine Chapel
Santa Maria della Pace
Arco della Pace, 5, Roma
Borghese Gallery and Museum
Piazzale Scipione Borghese, 5, Roma
Capitoline Museums
Piazza del Campidoglio, 1, Roma
Parco Leonardo
Viale Donato Bramante, 31/65, Fiumicino
Vatican Museums
Viale Vaticano, Roma
Egyptian Museum
Via Accademia delle Scienze, 6, Torino
Via Lido, 33, Candia Canavese
Viale Colli, 107, Rivoli
Fiat Historic Centre
Via Gabriele Chiabrera, 20, Torino
Royal Palace of Turin
Piazzetta Reale, 1, Torino
Parco La Mandria
Viale Carlo Emanuele II, 256, Venaria Reale
Madama Palace
Piazza Castello, Torino
Via Giorgio la Pira, 16, Concorezzo
Ambrosian Library
Piazza Pio XI, 2, Milano
Visconti Castle - Civic Museums
Viale XI Febbraio, 35, Pavia
Il Ponte Casa D'Aste Srl
Via Pontaccio, 12, Milano
Museum of Art and Science
Via Quintino Sella, 4, Milano
Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci
Via San Vittore, 21, Milano
Palazzo Reale
Piazza del Duomo, 12, Milano
Acquatica Park
Via Gaetano Airaghi, 61, Milano
Museum of Culturs Valligiana in Dubbione
Corso Rocco Galliano, Pinasca
National Cinema Museum
Via Montebello, 20/A, Torino
Museo del Risorgimento di Asti
Corso Vittorio Alfieri, 350, Asti
Museum of Radio and Television
Via Giuseppe Verdi, 16, Torino
Botanical Garden of Naples
Via Foria, 223, Napoli
MAV - Virtual Archaeological Museum
Via IV Novembre, 44, Ercolano
Museo Pignatelli
Riviera di Chiaia, 200, Napoli
Galleria Principe di Napoli
Via Ettore Bellini, 1, Napoli
Carney Park
Villa Borghese
Catacombs of Priscilla
Via Salaria, 430, Roma
Museo dell'Automobile Torino
Corso Unità d'Italia, 40, Torino